Sunday, 1 January 2012

The best diet for the treatment of gout

If you are suffering from the disease of gout then you already know about that the foods play huge role in increasing uric acid level in the blood and symptoms of gout attack. Eating the right kinds of foods with the correct level of acid will go a long way toward the gout treatment.

Organic foods are very effective and best for a gout diet

Eighty percent of gout diet is based on the raw and organic foods. The following foods will help you to control the level of uric acid in the blood of the body.

The first one is very good and very effective because it is inexpensive and it will greatly help with gout. It is a chicken, chicken with grains are very effective and tolerable for the gout patients.

Complex carbs such as pasta, potatoes, raw vegetables and fresh fruits are very effective and these will reduce the pain of gout attacks and these foods are also very effective for healing process for the gout patients.

Third and most important is water. If you suffering from gout then you should drink minimum two liter water daily, it will dissolve and flush out crystals of uric acid through your urine.

Cure and prevent two diseases with one diet

By focusing on your gout treatment and getting a good control, foods are very effective for alleviating signs of gout and arthritis.

Oils such as soybean oil, salmon oil and foods such as walnuts and soybeans have omega 3 fatty acids, these acids are helpful in the fight against these two diseases. These oils and foods are the most ignored necessities.
The black berries are very effective and useful food for the prevention of acute gout attack and you should add raw seeds such as flax seeds into your diet plan as well.

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