Gout is a most painful kind of arthritis. It commonly attacks a one joint of the body in a sudden and intense manner. It happens when uric acid enters in the joint and form uric acid crystals. According to the researchers and scientists, genetics plays a very important role in developing the disease gout. Obesity, overweight and too much consumption of alcohol and beer and eating foods that have high uric content and purines are the other causes of gout.
Conventional and usual gout treatments
There are many different methods on how to cure or treat the gout; gout treatments generally involve preventing acute gout attacks and swelling. One example of curing or treating gout is by medicines that have ingredients such as non steroid anti inflammatory drugs which is also known as NSAIDs, corticosteroid and colchicines.
Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs are considered to be the best and most helpful medicines in treating or curing gout. These medicines handle pain and inflammation in the joints of the body and reduce muscle inflexibility and stiffness. These non steroids anti inflammatory drugs have side effects too such as headache, gastrointestinal irritation, ulcers and rashes on the skin. There is also a big possibility that you will develop kidney diseases because of these NSAIDs.
Aside from non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, colchicines can also be utilized to help overcome the pain of gout. This is the most effective gout treatment. It is most helpful if taken right away once an acute gout attack starts. This medicine is also has some different side effects, the side effects of this medicine are headache, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Nausea and diarrhea are the most common side effects of this medicine. You can also treat and cure the gout by just changing your diet.
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