In the human body, uric acid is created from the metabolic collapse of purines. This is commonly founded in many different foods. Normally uric acid is gets liquefied in the body fluid and eradicate through the urine. But in other case when the level of uric acid in the body increased and their crystals get entered in the joints then it results gout. Gout can be the biggest reason of hyperuicemia.
You can do gout home
You can eliminate and cure gout with many home medications. First of all if you are feeling pain then you put some ice cubes in the ice bag and apply it slowly on the affected area or affected joint where you feeling pain. Through this the swelling of the joint decreased and keep one thing in mind that does not apply this process for more than 5 minutes continuously.
And you can hold your affected joint under the cold water this will give you quickly relief from this pain. Do not hold your joint under the cold running water for more than 2 minutes.
Thirdly if you feeling pain in the joint, which is affected by gout then take a heat clay and put this clay in the bag and then apply this on your joint. This is also much effected gout treatment.
Foot bath in hot water is also very helpful way to eliminate the pain. Some vegetables and fruits also give you relief but this method is not very long lasting, it will temporary eliminate the pain. Carrot, celery, spinach and parsley are very good for the treatment of gout use these things approximately one pound daily. Drink more than 128 ounce of water everyday it will help you to dilute your urine more and it will give your relief.
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