Sunday, 1 January 2012

Water is very effective and best natural gout treatment

Gout disease is just like arthritis, it result severe pain in different joints of the body. Generally gout occurs in the big toe. Men are most affected by this disease than women. You can treat and cure this disease by different methods. One of the best and very effective natural gout treatments is to drink a lot of water. When uric acid level in the blood is increased then this disease occurs. And when the excess crystals of uric acid enters in the joints of body, it result swelling and severe pain. When you drink great amount of water then you frequently need to go to the toilet. It helps in flushing out the increase level of uric acid.

There are many benefits of drinking a lot of water for the treatment of gout. These are as follows.
  • Drinking a lot of water helps in flushing out excess amount of uric acid and other poisons.
  • It greatly helps in joint lubrication.
  •  It helps in prevention of stones in kidneys.
  • It helps to increase metabolism rate for weight loss.
  • It greatly helps in avoiding further gout attacks.
Your body gets dehydrated when you do not drink sufficient water daily. And the dehydration can cause improper kidney working. When the kidneys in the body do not work effectively it might result of formation of stones in the kidneys. It is the biggest reason of increasing uric acid level in the blood. And you know already the increase uric acid level is the biggest reason of the disease of gout.

For the gout treatment, first step you should take is that do not intake other drinks such as coffee, alcohol and tea. You should drink a lot of water. Sometimes it is very tough to encourage yourself to drink a lot of water daily, in that conditions you can drink fruit juices for the gout treatment.

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