When the uric acid level increase in your body then it causes the disease of gout, it is affected on the joints. Gout is considered as a certain kind of arthritis which is commonly leads to the pain in joints. Mostly gout is affect to the big toe of the body. When the uric acid enters in the blood then it swells the joint. Naturally uric acid is founded in the human body, when the proteins and purines breakdown then the uric acid produced in the body. Purines are also a natural chemical that is founded in many different foods. When the uric acid level increase then it transform in the uric acid crystals and these crystals take place in the joints which can result the pain and swelling in the joints.
Proper diet is very necessary and important for the prevention of gout. The people who suffer from the disease of gout and want to cure it then he should do proper gout treat ment.and also avoid some foods.The people should stay away from the high protein foods. The high protein foods are as follows.
• Eggs
• Red meat, the meat of pork and lamb
• Organ food like brain, tongue, liver and kidney
• Some types of fishes like herring, mackerel and sardines
And they should also stay away from the high fat foods. Because fat foods are increase the risk of gout and the low fat foods decrease the risk of the disease of gout. You should always eat low fat foods just like low fat cheese, yogurt and skimmed milk.
The list of foods which is above mentioned was making after the detailed survey and assessment by the experts. You must avoid these foods during the gout treatment.
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