Medication or drug is one of the most effective and useful methods to overcome and reduce the throbbing pain of gout attack. Medications and drugs are very essential for not only to ease and overcome the pain but also these medicines stop further gout attacks. Some gout treatment medicines are also target the increasing level of uric acid in the blood of the body.
You should not intake any medicine and drug at your own, first of all you must consult to your doctor or medical practitioner and if he recommended any medicine then you should take that one. Your test will be perform to establish the uric acid level in the blood, if the presence of gout established in your body only then you should discuss the therapy and medicines.
Some of the most common medicines and drugs used for gout treatment are as follows.
• Corticosteroids
NASAIDs are the most common and very effective drug or medicine which is used for the gout treatment. NASAIDs overcome the throbbing pain of gout attack and also decrease the swelling and redness of the affected joint. But unfortunately NASAIDs are not reducing the uric acid level in the blood and also they do not eradicate uric acid crystals in the affected joint.
If a gout patient does not respond to the medicine NASAIDs then the doctors prescribed this drug. This medicine can also produce immediate relief if this drug is injected directly into the affected joint. The only disadvantage this drug has is that you cannot take this medicine or drug at regular basis because this medicine can cause the declining of cartilage and this medicine also promote the worsening of the joints.
Gout medicines and drugs do have their own side effects. The side effects can range from vomiting or dizziness to abdominal pain and headache.
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